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About Me

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

You got a problem with Facebook?

A dear friend told me that he refused to jump on the Facebooking (Fb-ing) bandwagon regardless the current Facebook fever. He views Facebook as a mere means to show off one's strength & virtues in which they may or may not exist in real life. He also sees it as a veneer for those scared or not confident to act out in real life. Lastly, he considers it as one big fake outlet where lots of people upload their pictures to show as if they're having a ball, living a fabulous life, super-duper cool, etc. I hate to admit that - as much as his take on Fb-ing annoyed the freak out of me, they're partially true. I used the word 'partially' because not everyone is like that, am i right?

I tried to explain to him that most of his aforementioned opinions didn't make up my Fb-ing reasons. First, I use Fb to express myself in terms of personality, flairs, talents via writings, photos and ivdeos. This inevitably involves showing-off. What differs me from others is that - no cockiness intended, I actually own all these things in real life. There are some who, for instance, post pictures about clothes & accessories in a way that make people think that they're uber-creative, where in fact, they just commanded other people to make the items based on the renowned branded designs. Not the mention, those who blatantly copy others' status and paste it on to theirs as to appear distinctive or smart or arty. In fact, I know a guy from uni who seem nice and genuine on Fb but when you meet him in person, he's very pretentious.

Second, I use Fb to keep in touch with friends as well as to make new friends. Fb comes in handy because most of my good friends were residing in another country, and it allows me to keep track on what they're up to. Fb also helps in expanding my peer circle by having Add As Friend feature on all users account. Regarding his statement of Fb being utilized as a confidence mask for people, it might be the case for some yet it doesn't apply for me. I can certainly say that I'm a confident person on and off Facebook. I've, indeed, encountered a few who's rather shy in person than what's depicted on their Fb profiles.

Third, I use Fb to display my photos because I'm a *narcissistic kind - regardless the missing photogenic factor. My photos are the result, outcome & product of my expression. Sometimes it takes a while to understand them because some photos carry profound concepts or bear hidden meanings. Occasionally, an open-mind is required in viewing several photos as they are styled to provoke.

*I don't fully agree that narcissism is a gauge of self-absorption/selfishness/ shallowness. In other words, you can still be a narcissistic and tolerant and substantial at the same time. However, the self-loving group does have the tendency to project everything to themselves.

I enjoy taking photograph almost as much as having my photograph taken. There's an element of surprises and thus, excitement each time I look at the pictures that pop on the camera screen. They might or might not turn out as what I've expected.

Whenever I go to places that boast beautiful scenery such as Dendy beach or Great Ocean Road or even some hotel's pool, I would bring a digital camera. Me & my friends would lie on a towel, getting our skin tanned while chit-chating, and immersing in the moment. Then, it's picture time! I'd take the digicam out of my bag and start clicking and snapping everything. I would repeat the process until I get good photos.

He said that I was rather weird for choosing to dedicate half of my time photographing instead of doing the actual activity. "Don't you feel annoyed having to take pictures most of the time just so you can upload them on Fb for others to see?" asked him. "No, I actually really enjoyed this" replied me, whilst continuously shooting myself using the self-timer mode. I told him that my ideal leisure occurs when I'm able to have fun and be productive at the same time. Lying under the sun is the fun part whereas capturing various objects with my digicam is the productive part.
Life's too short not to create something. I didn't take photos and upload them on Fb so people think that I have so much fun sunbathing where in fact, I don't. I conducted such act because I love photography, as previously mentioned. And being is a beautiful environment is the perfect moment to actualize my photography interest.

Finally - after 15 minutes and 55 seconds of intense discussion, he couldn't help but succumb to my opinions by admitting that they are true. Apparently, I'm no different when it comes to being me on facebook and me in person. Well,
you will never know...


  1. tell him I said, well you're not better than these people if you decide to be a hater anyway... like, just don't take it too seriously, have fun, and smile :)

    some people do have fabulous life, and they's say, it's hard being fabulous.

  2. Yes, I agree, you can't take Fb too seriously. It's supposed to be for fun. Life would be more beautiful if we don't have hatred esp. for petty things :)

    awww, I wish I would always be fabulous! Ameeennn....

  3. u always will be den , so dont wory, looh yah2!

    First im gOnna say:
    U gO DEnny!! god job dude,, for taking him Done, i ts deep but all true, like badra say their such a hater with full of jelousy, hehehehee!
    oh denny..

  4. i mean DOWN!!! hehehe!
    sama2 den! urs too loh! hihihi
