Lyrics, Poetry, Concepts, Muses & Obsessions, Loves & Hates, Severe Bitching, Compliments, Obscene Language, Titilliating to Vulgar Descriptions, Sex talk, Extremes, Self-potraits and Anything fashion-centric.

About Me

Friday, March 12, 2010

Why Viva Salvatore?

Viva Salvatore means celebration of life - my life through ups and downs, bumps and grinds, twist and turns because no matter how low I've hit the bottom, how often I've encountered the bumps, or how drastic the turns are, I will come back to the place where I belong.

The same goes with you.



  1. Oh gosh, your blog! Please don't stop updating it, my love♥♥

  2. YAY! You appear :p

    I'll try to constantly update it. Thx for the support Sha xoxo
